• silhouette of person holding glass mason jar

    On Hexagonal architecture : Common mistakes (Part 2)

    As the second entry in this blog series, this blog post jumps straight into issues and challenges encountered in the developer experience.

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    On curiosity and discovery

    In this blog post, I talk about my experience exploring GitHub and RxGo, and a walkthrough to my learning perspective driven from a position of curiosity. This blog post is intended for curious developers who might want to contribute to open source but are hesitant or intimidated by other skilled developers. Hopefully by the end…

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    Numeracy: How to quiet your fears using probabilities

    I think that story telling is an excellent way to introduce mathematical concepts applied in real life scenarios. I think that it is an effective way to draw people’s attention (kids and adults alike!) and to help people move from concrete ideas (stories) to abstract ideas (theories, formulas). Ultimately, I think mathematics is a super…

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    Exploring machine learning

    I have a friend of mine who began his exploration of machine learning in Python a few months back. Excited to help him out and curious as to where he is in his familiarity in statistics and algorithms (See mental model: the Forest), we hopped on a call and discussed a few things. As we…

  • Microservices

    The past few months have been quite an exciting adventure for me in software development. I experienced new technologies at different levels of the tech stack. Application Development In application development, I learned Go. Although really fascinating, I struggled a bit with the tooling provided (gopls is still at version 0.5.2 as of right now).…

  • Phases of Learning and Prioritization in Software Development

    What are mental models? Before diving into the phases of learning and prioritization in software development, it’s important to understand the concept of mental models. Mental models are frameworks or cognitive structures that help us process information, make decisions, and understand complex concepts. They shape our perception, thinking, and behavior, making them invaluable tools for…

  • Climbing Celeste

    A few months back, I wrote about one of the mental models I use called The Mountain. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend you check it out first! It sets up the following article as an application of that mental model, while the original article sets up the concept and the theory.…