• DotA 2 to Google Calendar

    I’ve been playing a lot of DotA 2 lately! I’ve been learning how to play offlane, and am currently experimenting with Mars. A few months back, I wrote up a simple typescript project that hooks up my games fetched from OpenDota API and transfers them to my Google Calendar as calendar entries. What it looks…

  • brown cows standing on grass field

    Entropy (Information Theory)

    Initially written as a Tweet, but to-be-expounded on this blog post. When the data source produces a low-probability value (i.e., when a low-probability event occurs), the event carries more “information” than when the data source produces a high-probability value. Wiki on Entropy. Information Theory by Claude Shannon. In the context of relationships This translates to…

  • node-gyp issues in Windows

    I recently encountered issues with node-gyp on my Windows machine, which prevented me from doing any productive typescript/node development. It gave out the following error message: node-gyp is a low level module dependency used by npm used for compiling native addon modules for Node.js. Generally, most node developers don’t really encounter it, until this issue…

  • How to fix cordova build failure for android builds

    The other day while I was hacking away on this Ionic-Angular project for work. I was building my android project: But I encountered the following unusual error at the end of the build: … BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 9s 45 actionable tasks: 5 executed, 40 up-to-date Command finished with error code 0: /Users/darrenkarlsapalo/git/work/easy-cash/platforms/android/gradlew cdvBuildDebug,-b,/Users/darrenkarlsapalo/git/work/easy-cash/platforms/android/build.gradle Built the…

  • Automated NLP parser in Facebook Group Conversations

    Prompt I am part of a group of volunteers in our local church that reads scripture during mass service. Sometimes, volunteers are unavailable and post that they will not be able to attend their scheduled assignments. These volunteers message within a private group chat in Facebook informing the group that they will not be able…