• woman looking at the map

    Direction, Strategy, Tactics, and Execution

    Abstracting problem solving into four different levels enables you to categorically assess which scope is the most appropriate for your analysis. A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After…

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    Engine and deck building: how to assess opportunities

    When playing a trading card game, how many cards are you able to take per turn from your deck? How many different decks do you have access to? Do you leverage your present turns such that it reinforces the you already have? Today we explore the concept of evaluating life similar to how trading card…

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    Recover lost commits from git push –force

    Today I learned how to retrieve accidentally lost commits pushed to remote (via –force). I accidentally overwrote a co-worker’s committed changes and my own revisions on his branch using git push –force origin/branch! I freaked out at first realizing how grave the mistake I made. I panicked at first, like any child would panic after…

  • How to Generate YAML-based table definitions with dbtoyaml

    Today I extended an existing tool that generates your table definitions as YAML by inspecting your PostgreSQL db using Pyrseas. It’s a very minimal install. My addition was to make it work with only need Docker, and optionally Fish Shell in case you want to take advantage of a convenience script I made. Head over…

  • workplace with laptop and ceramic vase with basket

    How to fix Viper unmarshal error for nested structs

    In times when you’re trying to unmarshal a config file using viper, check whether your config file has nested yaml structures. As shown in the example above, there are multiple layers of structs under providers (i.e. payment contains dwolla). The different with service is that its fields are set only in one level. If your…

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    How to send Keycloak events as a webhook

    Keycloak is a powerful IAM provider that offers numerous out-of-the-box features. In this blog post, we will discuss how to extend user jessylenne existing work on sending Keycloak webhook events to a third-party provider using Docker and Makefile, making the process more accessible to developers who aren’t primarily Java programmers. Prerequisites Resources The original git…

  • black cassette tape on top of red and yellow surface

    I don’t want to make a goddamn song today

    One of my favorite musical artists is Marc Rebillet. He makes songs using his voice, his organ, a loop mixer, and just simply creates. Watch along with me in awe as he brings into reality his love for his craft, his passion and life, and simply creates. Marc is somebody I look up to because…