• woman and man sitting on brown wooden bench

    How to build trust in honest communications

    Today, in Tech4Humans, we talked a lot about communication, conversations, honesty, and truth. I believe these are central topics that enable humans to collaborate with each other, thus giving clarity in the directions that technology enables us to accelerate towards. Today I talk about the highlights of my reflections from this evening’s discussion. Conversational implicature…

  • two gray bullet security cameras

    How to secure a WordPress site using WordFence and Cloudflare

    Recently, my primary blog, https://sapalo.dev had been attacked by malware. This blog post covers my discovery and investigation process using WordFence, and the actions taken to remediate and prevent future security vulnerabilities. The objective of this blog is to highlight the key skills that a software engineer needs, such as asking critical questions to analyze…

  • background blank business craft

    April 2023-W4 Progress Update

    Hello everyone! I’ve continuously been focusing on building out the Tome.gg platform! As a form of accountability to you guys, I’ve recently come up with these KPIs as my targets, which I am tracking using Appsmith, a no-code platform for internal tools! The most important KPI I am tracking right now is the total number…

  • remington standard typewriter in greyscale photography

    Google Chronicle Logstash parsing: How to test your UDM parsing code

    Google Chronicle is a cloud-based security information and event management (SIEM) platform developed by Google. It is designed to help organizations detect and investigate security threats in real-time by collecting and analyzing large volumes of security telemetry data from various sources, such as network traffic, endpoints, and cloud services. Google Chronicle provides advanced threat detection…

  • person holding orange pen

    6 simple keywords on how to showcase developer work

    Hi, my name is Darren. I’m a software architect and tech consultant, and today we’ll talk about how developers can showcase their work. I have six keywords that outline what I want to share with you today: How do we “Showcase our work”? 1. Content You’ve heard this time and time again. This is your…

  • black smartphone on table

    How to automatically report SMS spam messages to NTC

    Using golang and Jotforms, I built an SMS spam reporting tool that directly reports to National Telecommunications Commission. Check it out!

  • Offload memory from RAM to hard drive

    How well do you do when it comes to loading and unloading context from your brain?